Sunday, September 25, 2011

Craziness, a move, and the Fall Collection

Well.  I am not the best at blogging.  I know it's been awhile since I posted, and I know I have yet to deliver the photos of my fall collection.  For this I apologize, but I have to make an excuse this time... I have been in the process of accepting a new job and planning a move to Louisiana.

When I went to Baton Rouge two weeks ago, it was for a job interview at LSU.  Well, guess what... I got the job!  I'm now the Foreign, Comparative and International Law Librarian at LSU, and a soon to be resident of Baton Rouge.  Geaux Tigers!  There are lots of fried green tomatoes in my future!

I'm so excited for this move.  I'll most likely be relocating sometime around the end of October.  The time between now and then will be filled with things like looking for an apartment, packing up all my stuff, renting a moving van, and figuring out how to transport my two lovely cats to Louisiana.  So, I might not be blogging that much for awhile.  I also may need to put my shop on vacation around the time of the move, though hopefully not for long.

Anyway.  Pretty much everyone who's currently following this blog is also following me on Facebook, so I'm pretty confident that you guys have seen the fall collection since it posted last week.  I am really proud of this collection, which I've been working on since mid-summer.  I'd been reading a lot of dystopian and post-apocalyptic fiction, and it led me to adopt a darker, more industrial aesthetic than I usually do.

The inspiration for these pieces is, as you know, the idea of "life after people."  I envisioned my beloved New York City as it would appear if human beings suddenly ceased to exist - I imagined urban and industrial areas overgrown with vegetation and harboring various birds and insects, both gothic and pretty.  I only created five pieces for this collection - it was an exercise in planning, execution and cohesiveness more than anything else.  I loved having a single concept to work from.  So without any further delay, here it is:

These will not be the only pieces to appear in my shop this fall!  However, they are the official "Fall Collection" of the House of Decadent Delusion.  Like I said, I wanted to see if I could design a collection, and I think I did pretty well for my first try.  I hope that you guys enjoy it!

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